Dear colleagues,
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your participation in our upcoming congress in Hamburg.
For our poster session we are looking forward to high quality contributions. Technical aspects and complication management are of particular interest. We have announced a poster prize of 500 euros for the best poster.
Here are the submission guidelines:
Abstract: max. 250 words
We appreciate your abstracts and videos until 8th of November 2024 (Deadline) as PDF to
The selection committee for the poster session consists of:
PD Dr. Asmus Heumann (University Hospital Eppendorf, Hamburg)
Dr. Johannes Längle, PhD (Medical University of Vienna)
Dr. Xavier Muller (Hopital de la Croix-Rousse, CHU de Lyon)
You will receive a poster template with the message whether your contribution has been accepted. We kindly ask you to use this for your final poster contribution.
Thank you and Kind Regards